Palazzo Pretorio
The Archeological Museum of Colle di Val D'Elsa is based in the 14th century mayoral or pretorian building situated in the centre of Upper Colle, beside the Cathedral. There are numerous coats of arms still to be seen on the façade, with the insignias of the succession of mayors who ruled this ancient municipality, On the upper part of the façade, there are the coats of arms of Colle and of Florence, which bear witness to the strong links which united the two cities in ancient times.
On the front façade, as on the rear, which overlooks the garden, there are very visible signs of the enormous rebuilding suffered at the time, as the building was the seat of government and of various administrative offices, and was later to become the district magistrates' court and finally be transformed into private apartments. On the ground floor still to be seen are the six prison cells which remained in use until the middle of the 1920s, and which still contain their few original furnishings. Finally, with the latest restoration carried out in 1990, it was restored to its former splendour and now also hosts the Archeological Museum.
Inside, Renaissance frescoes have been discovered (there are others still to be uncovered) with decorations and coats of arms in memory of its past rulers, and a very precious Annunciation from the Florentine school. Behind the palace the courtyard is still to be seen, surrounded by a high wall, which was used for the exercise break of the prisoners, and from where an interesting view of the rear façade can be enjoyed. From the courtyard, by way of a spiral staircase, the palace is connected by an ancient door to the external pathway of the castle walls.
Few views of Palace.



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Museum's Location:
Palazzo Pretorio XIVsec.